Artwork Reviews
“Thank you for your symbolic painting and for the thoughtfulness and goodwill that promoted your remembrance”
— Former U.S.A. President George Bush
White House, July 29, 1989
“Your exquisitely rich and colourful painting of the four seasons so very imaginatively represented by four young dancing nymphs will find a loving home within our legislative precinct...”
— Tony Ruprecht, M.P.P., Legislative Assembly
Parliament Buildings,Toronto, Canada
“A confident color palette combined with Romanesque architecture create a striking visual voyage for the eye.”
— Richard A. Kleen
The Windsor Star
“An accomplished artist with her work in businesses, institutions and homes, Marie-Emily Sendrea pulls the reader into her intense, heartfelt story that weaves a compelling tale of agony, romance and redemption...”
— Karen Veryle Monck
President, Benchmark Publishing & Design
“Looking at Emily's work, one gets a feeling of spiritual and social agony, self-inflicted by mankind. Her work is thought-providing well-executed surrealism.”
— Agnes Boerner
Gallery Collection, Canada
“I found your surrealistic landscape to be evocative illustrations of human experiences of suffering and joy.”
— Vincent Varga, Former Senior Curator
Windsor Art Gallery, Canada
Art-Education Reviews
“We feel extremely fortunate to have a professional artist of such calibre in our area...”
— Rosa V. Cipparone
Ethnocultural Equity Contact, Catholic Education Centre
“I appreciate being apprised of your contributions to Canadian culture and art and am pleased that the Department of Canadian Heritage was able to contribute to these achivements...”
— The Honorable Hedy Fry, P.C., M.P. Ottawa, Canada
“It was a great pleasure for me to view the two art pieces produced by the project. The excellent work of the students and your artistic expertise are undoubtedly reflected in the wall mural and the loom sculpture. I also appreciate very much the interpretation you provided on the art pieces...”
— Mimi Lo, Program Officer
Canadian Heritage
“The success of the project rests upon the artist Marie-Emily Sendrea. The students responded very positively to her presence in the classroom... Their success is attributed to the enthusiasm expressed by Marie-Emily Sendrea...”
— R. Belcastro, Art teacher
E.C.Board of Education
“Your efforts are greatly appreciated and I look forward to presenting creative programs with you again in the future...”
— Christine Goodchild
Curator of Education, Windsor Art Gallery
“I found your surrealistic landscape to be evocative illustrations of human experiences of suffering and joy.”
— Vincent Varga, Former Senior Curator
Windsor Art Gallery, Canada